The following supplemental rules adopted February 26, 2019 shall be used in conjunction with the most recent edition of the SCCA National Solo Rule Book. These supplemental rules supersede all past supplemental rules adopted by the Kansas City Region prior to this date.

Solo Advisory Committee

The Solo Advisory Committee (SAC) will oversee the operation of the Kansas City Region (KCR) Solo Program, its activities and events. The SAC is elected by the general membership and serves at the discretion of the KCR Board of Directors (KCR BOD).


  1. Develop (with input from the Solo community) and manage the supplemental rules for the KCR Solo Events.
  2. Appoint the KCR Solo Chair for approval by the BOD.
  3. Approve the KCR Solo Chair’s appointees for the specialty chiefs (e.g. Safety, Equipment, Timing and Scoring, Registration, etc.).
  4. Develop, manage, and change as necessary a description of specialty chief duties, event staff duties and event procedures. This information will be maintained in the KCR SOLO Guidebook and is subject to change at any time by the SAC.
  5. Hold an “Annual Solo Meeting”. It is recommended that the agenda for this meeting would include reviewing and approving the Supplemental Rules, and an open floor would be available for member comments. It is suggested this meeting could be held in the Winter/Spring before the local Autocross season starts.
  6. Hold SAC meetings on a regular basis with an agenda published in advance and available for the Solo community to review. It is recommended that SAC meetings should be open to the Solo Community. A quorum for an SAC meeting is 3 SAC members.
  7. Report to the KCR BOD the status and activities of the KCR Solo Program. One or more delegate(s) of the SAC should attend the monthly KCR BOD meeting (currently scheduled on the last Tuesday of the month).
  8. Form an SAC Nominating committee in September/October to recruit and qualify a slate of candidates for the upcoming KCR elections SAC Ballot.
  9. Manage/oversee the maintenance and/or upkeep of KCR Solo equipment.

The SAC is comprised of 5 members, each serving 2 year terms. Each member of the SAC must be a member in good standing of the SCCA and the Kansas City Region. Three member’s terms begin in odd numbered years (e.g. 2007 – 2008) and two member’s terms begin in even numbered years (e.g. 2008 – 2009). Elections for the SAC members will be held at the same time and in the same manner as the KCR elections.

Vacancies on the SAC will be filled by the KCR BOD.

The SAC shall have a chair and secretary. The SAC should create/assign/fill other roles as necessary. The members of the SAC will elect the secretary from within the SAC members. The SAC Chair will be the Solo Chair. It is suggested that each SAC member serve as the liaison for several of the major specialties (e.g. equipment, registration, timing and scoring, etc.), representing that specialty’s interest at SAC meetings and in votes. Thus, SAC members who are not specialty chiefs should establish an excellent rapport with their specialty chiefs to represent that specialty on SAC matters.

Event Supplemental Regulations

Regarding mis-classing of cars and preparation of cars that are beyond the limits of the rules, the KC Region prefers to solve these matters in a non-antagonistic way. If the issue(s) cannot be resolved between the competitors, an event official (usually the event chair) may be brought in to the discussion to mediate or the event chair can designate a volunteer to act in that capacity. If mediation is unsuccessful, a formal protest may be lodged in accordance with the current SCCA national rule set, section 8, with modifications to be described below. In the event of a protest, a committee of three Solo Chiefs present at the event will preside over the protest. The Event Chair will designate the committee members with consideration given to impartiality. In general, protests will be handled by re-classing the car, if possible. A formal protest is deemed to be a last resort and shall be submitted only if mediation fails to solve the issue. Protests must be submitted, in writing, within 30 minutes of the last car in the last heat completing its final run along with a $25.00 protest fee. Event chairs and co-chairs are considered to be event stewards and have the authority to initiate a protest against a car or individual. As such, they will be ineligible to serve on a protest committee or direct the activities of same.

Regional differences with the national rule set regarding protests consist of the following:

KC Region does not have provisions for impound or imposition of bond. Competitors are advised to document their observations as soon as possible if they believe a protestable offence has occurred. Given that many competitors leave the site before event completion, it is advisable that those wishing to protest a car or individual bring it to the attention of an event official before the offending car or individual leave the site so that the nature of the offence can be ascertained. Protests that require the disassembly of part of a vehicle to verify a non-compliant condition shall be performed at a suitable venue by qualified personnel and under the supervision of the protest committee. Cost of the disassembly and reassembly shall be borne by the unsuccessful party involved in the protest. Failure to pay for the inspection shall result in disqualification and the competitor will be banned from future KC Region SCCA events. The non-paying competitors name shall be shared with other regions that may do with the information as they see fit.

Kansas City Region has a strong focus on safety at every event. Regarding safety, in general, use common sense and consider the following:

  • Paddock/ grid speed limit is 3-5 mph. That is slower than walking speed.
  • No scrubbing or warming of tires anywhere on site or in the local community.
  • Spinning of tires anywhere on or near the site (except on course) will be grounds for immediate ejection from the event.
  • Never turn your back on a moving vehicle, especially when working the course.
  • No horseplay involving a moving vehicle.
  • Bicycles, skateboards, roller skates/blades, go-peds, etc. are prohibited in the grid/course area.
  • Pocket bikes are prohibited at events as are remote control drones.
  • All pets must be on a leash at all times.
  • Use common sense, there are too many No-No’s to mention.
  • Spectators in grid: Competitors will be responsible for limiting the number of spectators in the grid during timed runs. At the discretion of the event Solo Safety Steward, spectators may be asked to leave the grid area if they pose a safety hazard either to themselves or to other competitors. In no event should there be so many spectators that competitors in adjacent grid spaces have difficulty servicing their vehicles or are in other way inconvenienced. Children (under 12 years old) and pets are prohibited from the grid area. Children who meet the requirements of the “Passengers / Ride Alongs” section of these rules are allowed in grid only during the run group they are riding in.
  • All persons entering the event site, whether competitors or spectators, shall sign the SCCA waiver at the entry gate and obtain a wristband. The wristband shall be worn on either wrist for ease of identification. If a wristband is obstructed by clothing or other means, an event participant (competitor or spectator) may be asked to display the wristband to an event official when asked. An SCCA member will be given a different color wristband than a non SCCA member; this is to easily distinguish approved passengers in competition vehicles. See the section “Passengers / Ride Alongs:” for more information.
  • As part of the vehicle tech procedure, the helmet will be checked for compliance with SCCA rules. Helmets that are in compliance will be indicated as such with a sticker unique to the region for ease of identification. These stickers will be valid for the balance of the season. Helmets displaying a current National Tour or Midwest Divisional sticker will be considered compliant. The presence of helmet stickers will be verified in grid just prior to proceeding to the starting line. No car will knowingly be allowed to proceed to the starting line with non-compliant helmets in use.

Sound Control Standards and Procedures Policy for SCCA Solo events:

Per national standards if/when enforced.

Novice Regional Class:
Novice is a regional class, administered locally and will be superseded should the SCCA decide to implement a similar class. The Novice class will be open without a separate Ladies Class. Class designation is an “N” following the normal class letters (e.g. DSN, DSPN). The class is for drivers with 7 or fewer events experience at the beginning of a season. The current National PAX/RTP Index values will be used to compute times for scoring. There will be no distinction between street tires and race tires. The class is eligible for year-end trophies and class results may be used to determine the rookie of the year award.

Classic American Muscle (CAM):
Per Appendix B of the national rule set and using the three classes described. The class will be eligible for regional year end trophies (not provisional). Vehicle Classing: Proper classification of vehicles is ultimately the responsibility of the competitor. To the greatest extent reasonably possible, representatives of Registration, Timing & Scoring, or other event officials may help a competitor determine the appropriate class using the rulebook that should be available in the trailer. If asking for help, the competitor should provide a complete list of any modifications that have been made to the car, both physical and electronic, to give the person providing assistance a place to start in the rule book. Mis-classed cars can be re-classed through the protest procedure described previously. Requests for re-classification should be made prior to the start of the next regional event.

Re-classification requests made after one or more intervening regional events will be evaluated on their merits but will generally be discouraged.

Class and Number Display:
It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that the correct number and class are displayed on both sides of the vehicle prior to each run. The size and stroke of the required numbers and letters are addressed in the National Solo Rule Book. Incorrect numbers or class designation may result in errors in timing and scoring that may not be correctable. Alternatively, the run may not be scored at all. No make-up runs will be allowed to correct number and class errors. Those without their own numbers may obtain paper numbers at the registration booth that may be taped to the side of the car. Tape and shoe polish numbering are discouraged due to readability issues on course. Three-digit numbers meeting the size and stroke specified in the National Rule Book shall be allowed for regional level events.

Number of Drivers per Car per Run Group:
No more than two drivers may drive the same car in any single run group, except in the event of a mechanical DNF after the Run Group has begun or as permitted by the event chair and chief of timing and scoring. If the mechanical failure happens during a race weekend, then the exception will carry over to the next day of competition.

Work Assignments:
All entrants will share the workload. Participants indicating that they have participated in fewer than 5 Autocrosses shall be required to work prior to making their timed runs. If they are unable to work prior to making timed runs, they will work at the discretion of the registrar or event chair. An entrant failing to complete his/her work assignment will be scored as “DNW” (Did Not Work). The published results will reflect a DNW finishing position for the entrant and no points will be awarded for the event. When an entrant has more than one entry during an event, that entrant is required to work the corresponding work assignment for each entry. Any entrant wishing to work a group other than his/her assigned group must make arrangements with the event chairman and/or the Chief of Workers. Any special circumstances should be worked out with the event chairman or the Region Solo Chair.

Any entrant who receives more than one DNW finishing position in a calendar year will forfeit all points and/or trophies earned during that year and will be disqualified indefinitely from entering any subsequent KCR Solo events.

Disqualification may be appealed with a written explanation presented in person at a regularly scheduled meeting of the KCR Solo Advisory Committee.

Red Flags:
When an entrant driving the course sees a red flag being waived by a worker, he/she must come to an immediate and controlled stop. After stopping, and when directed by the course worker, with or without any explanation from the worker(s), the entrant should quickly proceed to safely complete the course at reduced speed (not to exceed 25 MPH) to clear the course for the following entrants. Unless directed otherwise, when completing the course, the entrant should follow the course as indicated by the cones and not ‘cut through’ the course to the finish. ‘Cut throughs’ will be scored a DNF. When an entrant is “red flagged” he/she is entitled to a re-run. A re-run will not be given if the entrant has already received a DNF during the run. Any pylon penalties incurred by the entrant prior to the red flag stop are eliminated and are not counted against the re-run time. The red flag will apply to the entire course behind the incident causing the red flag, i.e., a red flag thrown at any station will result in red flags immediately being thrown at all stations on the course prior to the initiating station following radio notification. Examples: a red flag thrown at the beginning of the course will only affect from that station back to the start. A red flag thrown at the end of the course will affect the entire course.

Course Irregularities:
When an entrant driving the course encounters an upset or displaced cone, he/she may stop and, after gaining acknowledgment from a course worker of the errant cone, quickly proceed to safely complete the course at reduced speed (not to exceed 25 MPH) to clear the course for the following entrants. If acknowledged by a course worker the entrant will be granted a re-run and any pylon penalties incurred by the entrant prior to the on-course stop are eliminated and are not counted against the re-run time. However, an entrant will not be given a re-run for an errant cone he/she previously upset in the same run. A re-run will not be given if the entrant has already received a DNF during the run.

Passengers / Ride Alongs:
Adult passengers are permitted on timed runs. Minor passengers (12 years or older, or at least 57” tall) are permitted with the use of a minor waiver and permission of the minor’s guardian. Any person wishing to be a passenger in a competing vehicle must be a member of the SCCA. A person who is not currently a SCCA member will have to sign up for a temporary weekend membership at no cost and display a uniquely identifiable wrist band prior to being allowed in vehicles during their timed runs. Competitors may ride as passengers at any time during the event without penalty, except during their work assignment or as noted elsewhere in this document. Novice competitors may not give rides until they have attended a minimum of 5 events, except that instructors may ride with novices at any time.

All passengers will have signed the waiver at the entry gate and display the wristband in accordance with KCRSCCA procedures.

Junior Karting Program Rules and Procedures for Ages 5-16:

Junior Kart rules shall follow the national rule set.

End of Year Trophies

To compete in the Kansas City Region SCCA Solo series, the requirements are as follows:

To be eligible for a year end regional trophy, you must score points according to the schedule below, as a member* of the Kansas City Region SCCA.  Number of events refers to those events that take place within the boundaries of the Region.  Example: If in an 11 event season, 9 event dates are in Independence and 2 are in Topeka, the number of events used to qualify for a year end trophy and the maximum counted towards the total would be 9.  The remaining 2 events outside of the Region boundaries can be counted towards the season totals, both for qualification and total count.

Number of Events Minimum Needed to Qualify Maximum Counted Towards Total
6 4 5
7 5 6
8 5 6
9 6 7
10 7 8
11 7 9
12 8 9
13 8 10

Events competed in prior to becoming a member will not contribute to the year-end points total. Also, if you compete in more than one class over the course of the season, you will only be able to qualify for a trophy if you have run the minimum number to qualify listed above of events in that class.

KCR SCCA Championship Awards will be distributed as follows:

One award for one to three eligible KCR SCCA members in a class; two awards for four to six eligible KCR SCCA members in a class; three awards for seven to nine eligible KCR SCCA members in a class; one additional award for every four additional eligible KCR SCCA members in a class.

Point Schedule:

Events with more than one competitor:

1st 100pts
2nd 80pts
3rd 70pts
4th 60pys
5th 50pts
6th 40pts
7th 30pts
8th 20pts
9th 10pts
10th and below 5pts


Events with only one competitor:

1st 80pts


A DNF on all runs will score 5 points towards the year end total. A DSQ or DNW will score no points.

Tie Breaker Following the conclusion of the season, if two members are tied in points within the same class, the following tie breaking procedure shall be followed:

First tie breaker – The competitor with the better average finishing position in head to head competition will be declared the winner between the tied individuals.

Second tie breaker – The competitor with the better average finishing position in all events attended will be declared the winner between the tied individuals.

Third tie breaker – The competitor who attended the most events will be declared the winner between the tied individuals.

*          A member of the Kansas City Region is defined as someone with a current paid national membership and a regional membership with KCR or a multi-regional membership which includes KCR. Temporary or weekend memberships are offered to allow non-SCCA member competitors to participate. Weekend members are not eligible for year end trophies. Should a participant decide in mid season to join SCCA and KCR, as many as two previously attended events prior to membership may be used to determine year end class points. The date of membership will be confirmed with the national office for purposes of determining which events will count towards the year end total.

Amendments to these Rules

The SAC is empowered and encouraged by the KCR BOD to update this document as needed and/or necessary. Revisions/updates should be presented at the KCR BOD meetings for review.

Have a story that you’d like to share with the rest of the Club? Send your articles, photos, or videos to

Join SCCA & Start Racing

Stop spectating and start racing! Join the Kansas City Region SCCA now and get involved immediately through Autocross, TSD Road Rallies, and Rallycross. You can also volunteer at our Road Racing events while you work toward your competition license.

Support the SCCA Foundation

The SCCA Foundation supports hands-on education and safety programs, recognizes excellence in automotive engineering education and promotes the SCCA’s heritage and club history. The goal of the SCCA Foundation is to give back to our communities. To successfully achieve this mission, the Foundation seeks support from a variety of sources, including the members of the Sports Car Club of America as well as corporate sponsors. The SCCA Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation under the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Gifts to the SCCA Foundation are tax deductible to the donor as allowable by law. You can donate directly through PayPal.

Donate to the SCCA Foundation through PayPal

©2024 Kansas City Region SCCA
NOTE: All photos used on this site are property of the Kansas City Region of the Sports Car Club of America and the respective photographers. They may not be reused commercially without the express written consent of the KCRSCCA – please contact us if you have questions